Sunday, March 2, 2014

three long weeks

Ben has been performing his show in New York City at the Frigid Fringe Festival!  It is going really well! You can read about his experience so far here.  He's also seeing shows on Broadway and making Patrick Stewart laugh.  He's networking and getting inspired to do more exciting projects.

But for real.  He's been gone for two weeks. And there's still one more to go.

(get it? because I'm home alone) 

I am keeping very busy with school and work and friends and Law & Order: SVU and chick flicks.  I am being very autonomous with cooking for myself and going to the gym.

But seriously.  I cannot fill my days with enough things to distract me from the fact that my feet are cold at night.

It doesn't help that today I had Mara over and we watched "The Time Traveler's Wife" and "About Time." (two time travel romances staring Rachel McAdams! It's actually very, very strange) TTW was all about a husband leaving his wife for periods of time and was so very sad.  Then AT was adorable and fun but the main guy had ginger-y hair like Ben and was a total goof like him.  It's my own fault, of course, because I chose the movies.  Bad move B-harv... bad move.

Of course, I am being slightly melodramatic. Ben sent me this humorous link about the stages of missing your significant other, which is also a little melodramatic. But also a little true, especially days 2-3.

But, all joking aside. I am ready for him to come home.

Here's what I've been doing while Ben's been gone:
1. Taking long and beautiful walks.

2. Having High Tea with Friends.

Two days in a row we ended up having High Tea.  Friday (left) was a treat from our friend, Katie, to celebrate Julia and me opening our thesis productions.  Saturday (right) a group of us got together to watch BBC's Pride & Prejudice because a play version will be produced next year at IU and Kelsey and Andrea (pictured below) are designing it.  Kelsey dressed up Regency-esque while Andrea brought the zombies (to make it P&P & Zombies)

3. Working backstage at the Opera's production of HMS Pinafore (the picture is of the balcony seats, which look like ribs set against the red of the walls... oh the 70's!) and finding the eye of Sauron at the Cheesecake Factory.

Finally, I defended my thesis!  I met with my thesis committee to discuss Woyzeck last Thursday.  First I spoke briefly about the process, challenges, and effectiveness of the design.  Then the committee gave comments and asked questions.  It was very successful and I received great positive feedback. I'm probably going to graduate!


  1. Glad you are surviving! Josh and I once spent a 2 1/2 month summer apart and we would never do it again! Congratulations on your thesis as well!

    1. Thanks, Megan! There is a girl in the scenic design department who is married and she and her husband have been attending separate graduate programs for the past 2.5 years (she here and he in Oklahoma)! I can't even begin to image anything so long as either your situation or theirs...


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